Looking at changes in American and Israeli cultures over the last two decades, "Leaving Home, Going Home, Returning Home: A Hebrew American’s Sojourn in the Land of Israel" is an intelligent study of Israeli life , identity, and culture form a Hebrew American’s experience and offers a unique perspective on what is quirky, endearing, baffling, and infuriating about Israeli culture. A seasoned world traveler, Jason Mark Alster M.Sc shares his adventures of moving half way around the world to Israel (Aliyah). Readers are reminded on every page that moving to a new place, or even moving back home, is not about courage, determination; it is about anticipation and the joy of discovery, new places, new friends, and new dreams. It's a book about following your dreams:
If you want a better understanding of life in Israel, this book is for you!
Excerpt at: http://jasonalster.googlepages.com/leav ... urninghome
Article , CT Jewish Ledger
http://www.jewishledger.com/articles/20 ... news06.txt
Review - American Chronicle :
Author radio interview :Meet the Author http://www.megaupload.com/?d=M403KO9W
Book trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4i9V5RAXGvw
Book reading : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAIj0yzSDyA
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